Standard Operating Procedure (COVID-19)

Sweet 21 is still open online everyday and we remain committed to create your wonderful and memorable moments. Now more than ever, we believe it is important for everyone us to follow standard operating procedure where set to ensure our safety.

Important Notice

Due to COVID-19 pandemic is striking Malaysia hardly, protective procedure is required to be followed and obeyed. "Prevention is better than cure". Hope every customer remember to wear double masks and sanitize their hands often while receiving their products.

Update (25th of August 2021)

Due to the implementation of MCO in Penang, delivery service will be working as usual but customer's health condition is our first priority to be take care with. However, customer who suspected to be infected please contact us as fast as you can for cancellation or further arrangement.


We're following government health guidelines in ensuring the safety of our team and partners. All of our executive team is working remotely while our operations and crews have paid sick leave and are required to stay at home if they're unwell.

Over at Sweet 21 HQ, we've taken numerous steps for optimal hygiene including setting up sanitising stations throughout the workplace, regular temperature checks, checking in on MySejahtera, distanced workstations, team rotations and educating the crew on health and safety.


If you're planning on making an order with us, we really appreciate and thank you for your support. We also appreciate your kind understanding and patience on any difficulties that may arise with your order.

We'll continue to provide updates as they come and we'd love to hear from you! Please reach out anytime if you need assistance. Our Customer Service team is available from 9 am - 5 pm everyday on phone, live chat and email.